

The Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental industrial Management System (S.A.S.I.S.O.P.A. for its accronym in spanish) and the Evaluation Plan were delivered on time and in compliance with all due regulations of the Mexican National Hydrocarbons Commission (NHC) In line with the Minimum Program offered in the bid.

Thus, ICG awaits approval for the operational plan taking place in 2017 from the CNH.

Further more, a few activities are scheduled. prior to the Evaluation Plan. These are associated to the integrity tests of the current wells and their potential. These tasks, will determine the full acceptance of some existing wells or their return to PEMEX before may 21st 2017. This is the final date to provide the answer to the Mexican National Hydrocarbons Commission (NHC) and deliver the environmental and social Base Line.

On May 11 2016, The Mexican National Hydrocarbons Commission (NHC) agreed to

To award the contract for the Area Contractual 10 “La Laja” in the international public bidding process CNH-R01-L03/2015 for Round 1 to Desarrolladora Oleum, S.A. de C.V., in consortium with Ingeniería, Construcciones y Equipos Conequipos Ing.LTDA., Industrial Consulting S.A.S., Marat International S.A. DE C.V. y Constructora Tzaulan, S.A. DE C.V. The field is located in the Ozuluama Municipio of Mascarenas, in the state of Veracruz.

For the management and operation of the contract, the companies mentioned above,

Constituted the company OLEUM DEL NORTE S.A.P.I. DE C.V. It is estimated that the field has the potential of reaching two thousand five hundred oil barrels per day. the field was officially delivered to OLEUM DEL NORTE S.A.P.I. DE C.V on november 23 2016.